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Baku International School offers a transportation service for families in need of transport to and from school each day. A door-to-door bus service is available in comfortable transport vans driven by our professional drivers and are chaperoned by a paraprofessional, supporting staff member, or teacher. The cost of the bus is available in the office. Payments can be made by the term or by the year. The bus service is not available on a drop- in basis. Bus transport is for students only.

Transportation Information
  • New, comfortable, spacious vans
  • Drivers are licensed, trained & experienced with over 10 years of experience working with BIS
  • Pick-up and drop-off location is arranged at the most available, appropriate, close location to the home address of each student 
  • Morning and Afternoon Services are available
Obligations of Families

In order to ensure a successful service, we ask that families provide the following support and cooperation: 

  • Ensure that the students are at the designated pick-up location at the established pick-up time. 
  • Support the establishment of seating assignments and behavioral expectations for students as shared in the Transportation Agreement.

It is very important to notify the BIS office anytime their child is registered in an activity which affects the assigned transportation; cases of pick-up; cases when the parents pick the child up by themselves; etc.